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Code of Conduct

URecruit will always ensure that:

  • A suitable Relationship Manager is assigned to your organisation and is dedicated to the vacancy for the duration of the recruitment process.
  • The Relationship Manager will transact your business with the integrity and knowledge essential to a professional recruitment organisation.
  • You will be kept abreast of all activity.
  • The URecruit team will conduct all communications with discretion and efficiency.
  • All permanent candidates are fully vetted regarding their suitability for your role in terms of technical skills, qualifications, aspirations, personality and salary expectations.
  • All contractors are fully reference checked and technically tested where appropriate.
  • Any short listed candidates are fully briefed about your opportunity and attend interviews in possession of the job description and interview format.
  • Our commercial terms of business are agreed before any interviews are conducted.
  • Every Time you contact URecruit we guarantee:
  • Consultative service - we will help you to establish the type of resource you require.
  • Expert Industry knowledge and current up to date market information.
  • Professional and Personal service.
  • No time wasted - relevant CV's submitted on time, matching the skills, experience and qualifications you require.
  • Bespoke solutions - you select the level of service required to suit your needs.
  • Cost Effective solutions - If cost reduction is a primary factor we can conduct a recruitment audit and make necessary recommendations.
  • Additional Services Available - Pro-active skills tracking, On Line technical testing, on-line resourcing etc.
  • Customer satisfaction - Our success is measured from regular client feedback. (98% Customer retention)